Where & when do we meet?

We meet every Friday night at 8:15pm for a pool session from 8:30 to 10:30pm in the Wellington Sports Centre for our pool sessions.

We also go on lots of trips to rivers and the coast. Our usual day for river trips is Sundays.

Wellington Sports Centre
Corams Lane
TA21 8LL

What will it cost?

Annual club membership is £35 per person (£20 for juniors or £45 for a family). You are welcome to come along for a couple of weeks before joining to try us out! You can find our membership form here.

Pool sessions are £7 for adults and £5 for children.

River trips are generally free.

Do I need a boat to join?

No. We have a store of boats that all club members can use, along with all the other kit that you would need. If you are new to paddling it makes sense to try a few different boats before you invest in your own kit.

Other useful documents

Trip permission slip for children.